''The Principles of Love'' is a series of young adult novels, first published in July 2005, and written by Emily Franklin, about a young girl named Love Bukowski, whose life truly begins when she moves into a home in the campus of Hadley Hall, and experiences the hardships of life, friends, family, school, and, of course, love. ==Novels== # ''The Principles of Love'' (2005) # ''Piece, Love, and Happiness'' (2005) # ''Love from London'' (March 2006) # ''All You Need is Love'' (September 2006) # ''Summer of Love'' (March 2007) # ''Labor of Love'' (September 2007) # ''Lessons In Love'' (March 2008) ==Major characters== ;Love Bukowski : The heroine of the novel. She moves to Hadley Hall at the start of the story with her father. Love proves that she isn't a typical teenage girl, due to her logical perspectives of the situations she experiences and her sense of maturity in difficult situations. She, like her aunt, has a great love for oldies and classic rock, along with a talent in singing. ;David Bukowski : Love's father and the new principal at Hadley Hall. He's very close to his daughter, and like most single fathers, tends to be slightly overprotective of her from time to time. ;Aunt Mable : Love's aunt, her father's sister, whom Love sees as her mother figure and her best friend. She has a love of music just as Love does (being the one who raised Love's interest in the first place), and owns her own cafè, ''Slave to the Grind''. ;Arabella Piece : An exchange student from London who first appears in the second novel of the series, ''Piece, Love, and Happiness'', and later becomes best friends with Love. Despite the fact that she had tried to hide it, Arabella comes from a wealthy family, considering her parents are quite famous over in Britain. ;Jacob Coleman : A mysterious boy whom Love meets during her sophomore year in her English class. At first, they don't speak much to one another, but after spending time together one night at Mable's cafè, they realize they may have had more in common than they thought, and become good friends. And eventually more. ;Lindsay Parrish : A jealous girl who sets out to ruin Love's life, all because Love had a fling with Robinson Hall. In "Love From London" Lindsay sleeps with Jacob (whom Love is seeing), while Love is gone. Why? "The word revenge ring a bell?" . Lindsay again tries to screw Love over by stealing Charlie (Love's new boyfriend) from her. ==Minor characters== ;Asher Piece : A charming photographer who ends up being Arabella's brother. Upon meeting him, she is swept off her feet in his charm and good looks. At the exposition of ''Love from London'' she is convinced that he is the gardener. Asher can easily retort to Love's witticisms and we later find out he truly loves her. He becomes her boyfriend but things take a turn for the worse when Love goes back to America. ;Clive Piece : A pimply, annoying boy, he is the half brother of Arabella and Asher. He is the son of Angus' previous marriage and is also described as disgusting. ;Shalimar "Monti" de Montesse : The mother of the Arabella, Asher, and Clive Piece. Her husband is Angus Piece. In her late teens and twenties she was in the same crowd as Mick Jagger/Jerry Hall and single-handedly revived the clubs scene during post-punk London. ;Angus Piece : He is a world-renowned playwright and the father of Arabella, Asher, and Clive. He is eccentric like his wife and chooses to raise his children in a relaxed and understanding manner. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Principles of Love」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク